Jim Sperou All Sports Champion

Sperou All-Sports Champions History

Jim Sperou all-Sports Champion

The Jim Sperou All-Sports Champion is named in recognition of the first and longest tenured Mission Valley Athletic League Commissioner, Jim Sperou. The All-Sports Champion is awarded annually to the school with the greatest number of points accumulated from school standings at the end of each sport season. At the conclusion of the spring sports season, the total points from the Fall, Winter, and Spring seasons will be totaled and a winner will be determined for that school year.

The point system for sports champions shall be as follows:


1st = 13 1st = 8

2nd = 10 2nd = 6

3rd = 8 3rd = 5

4th = 6 4th = 4

5th = 5 5th = 3

6th = 4 6th = 2

7th = 2 7th = 1

8th = 0 8th = 0

The champion school will retain the Jim Sperou All-Sports Champion trophy for one year.